Best kindergarten in ahmedabad

IMG 7903 Vedant International Pre Primary School
WhatsApp Image 2019 08 14 at 1.24.56 PM Vedant International Pre Primary School
WhatsApp Image 2019 07 27 at 7.58.35 PM Vedant International Pre Primary School

Health and Safety

Vedant, best kindergarten in ahmedabad makes sure that safety is a priority. Safety extends into nearly all aspects of a child care facility and its day to day operations. Safety should be at the forefront of your teacher’s minds at all times.

From the layout of the rooms and placement of desks to the materials used in craft making, safety should be a consideration. Creating a safe environment will prevent unnecessary mishaps.

Safe Habits

We try to incorporate habits the kids should practice to keep themselves safe. This includes safety in different aspects of life like fire safety, road and traffic rules etc. We introduce safety in forms of skit & trainings to give them a chance to practice these skills. For example, drape a sheet over chairs to make a “smoky hallway” to practice crawling in case of fire. Draw roads and sidewalks on the playground so kids can practice crossing safely and playing away from the road. We emphasis on teaching health and safety topics to the children & introduce them to the skills they need to stay safe. Our lesson plans use hands-on activities so the young kids get to practice safety skills without being scared by them. We also focus to teach your child how to use things properly and how to stay safe at home, to stay away from the stove or fireplace, and keep safe from sharp objects, chemicals, etc.

Safety with Others

A major concern nowadays is staying safe amongst strangers. We teach our kids about strangers, it’s just as important to differentiate between just plain strangers and “safe strangers.” Safe strangers are people who can generally always be trusted like police officers, fire fighters, and teachers/principals.

Playground Safety

Teaching kids basic safety rules helps keep them safe, healthy, and happy. Although the playground is a place for play, there are several basics your child needs to know so that he/she and the other kids on the playground stay safe.

First Aid

Unfortunately, kids getting hurt in the classroom are a very common thing. Our all preschool teachers have up to date first aid training. A first aid kit is accessible at all times in case of emergency. All kits are properly maintained & checked for expired supplies and restocked frequently.

Recognizing and Preventing Child Abuse

Childhood sexual abuse can have lifelong implications. Teens and adults who were abused as kids often suffer from depression, anxiety, and other problems. Although sexual abuse is not something parents look forward to talking about, teaching even young children some basics may keep them from becoming victims. We teach the children especially girls about ‘Good touch & bad touch”. How to be safe from the people & whom to talk about the personal discomforts


Hygiene & Nutrition


We always ensure that the physical environment is tidy and disinfected on a daily basis. We make sure to maintain a clean classroom with the help of kids & our aim is to incorporate tidying into the daily routine with the kids. We sometimes involve the kids to clean up after each activity. This will not only reduce the work that teachers have to do after class but also teach the kids good habits that will carry oninto the future

Additionally, we have all the employees involved in preparing meals and snacks are certified in food handling as proper food handling avoids cross-contamination and illness.We take care on the proper handling, storage and consumption of food


Ensuring that the children receive nutritious meals at school is a top concern. During the early childhood years, it is very important that kids get the right balance of nutrients for their growth and development. We have a healthy meal plan customized according to the age group of the children. It also takes personal allergies and nutritional requirements into account. By teaching the children importance of eating right and staying active, kids develop healthy habits that continue as they get older

The Importance of Exercise

Thesedays’ people tend to ignore the value of physical activity but we always pay special attention to how much exercise our children get to prevent laziness.  We assure that the parents take care & let the kids play outside and stay away from the television or video games.

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