Corona virus as the name implies is a virus. This virus originated from the city of Wuhan in china, initially it created havoc in china and claimed many lives and then rapidly invaded the rest of the world and also took many lives all over. Corona virus is also called as Covid 19.
It is a contagious disease which spreads quickly by contact. The most affected people are young children and old people above 60 years of age. The symptoms of corona virus are dry cough, temperature, stuffy nose and trouble in breathing. The Government has quarantined the infected person for a period of 15 days to prevent spread of the disease. The Government is doing its best to prevent the spread of this disease and save loss of lives.
We at Vedant International Preschool organized a workshop on the importance of hygiene and the novel corona virus to raise awareness among students. Our Teachers created posters to equip students with the knowledge of corona virus. We trained our children basic cleanliness and sanitation. We also taught them the proper way of wearing masks and to keep handkerchief while sneezing and coughing to protect them from being infected.