The Magic of Storytelling in Preschools

magic of storytellingBlog Vedant International Pre Primary School

The process of story telling has been going on since ages. The fine point of the story telling process is such that the teller of the story describes the subject in such a way that the listener understands the sequences very easily. The story teller explains the details in simple language to enable the listener to assume in his brain as to what must have occurred in reality, thereby making brain cells active & strong. Story telling increases the power of humans to imagine and assume , create a scene of the situation , its characters , their body and all other details of the scene connected with the subject.

It is the basic tendency of humans to listen and be heard to somebody, story telling increases the conversation ability of a person. Eminent Writers and researchers in the field of human behavior have observed that when young children are told story , the child automatically enacts the scene of the subject in his brain and tries to assume different probabilities , for example If a child is told a story of a lion in a jungle and told that lion eats human beings and very ferocious and strong than the child’s mind would automatically activate fear cells in his/her brain and the child would forever try to remain away from wild animals, but at the same time he would think of many ways to protect himself. The type of story creates a deep rooted effect in the brain and some of them last for a lifetime.

Here are more reasons why we should engage our children in this activity.

It helps in Language Development : Stories will help the children in gaining an exposure to a world of new words.
It helps in Social Development : It gives children exposure to basic social standard that they are expected to follow as they grow.

Makes Inter-cultural Understanding easy : They get an opportunity to explore the various cultures that exist or those that existed years ago

It can be a bit wearying for parents to be able to come up with new stories or tell the favourite story over and over again, but make sure you don’t skip that part!