Virtual Learning At Vedant International Preschool

Blog on virtual learning Vedant International Pre Primary School

The world today is passing through a very difficult phase with almost all the parts of the world being infected by deadly virus called Covid 19. Many countries have declared this disease as pandemic. In India, to fight this deadly virus, our honorable prime minister has advised and ordered the people of the country to stay indoors as there is at present no known medicine to Combat this virus. Since all outdoor activities have come to a standstill and everybody is locked in their home, many people work from home using computers and other Smartphone devices.

In order to prevent small children from being irritating because of lockdown, Vedant international preschool is one of the foremost leading schools which teaches their small children by modern method of virtual learning. The word virtual is used to describe something that exists in essence but not in actuality. Virtual learning refers to learning done in a virtual or simulated environment or when the learner and the instructor are in separate locations. The instructions most commonly take place in an online environment. The parents of the children studying in Vedant International Preschool are also very happy that the school having adopted such a modern method of teaching and keeping their small students remain active and increase their knowledge and learn their lessons like they regularly do when they physically go to school.

Vedant international preschool through virtual learning starts the day with prayer, and teaches the children to always pray to the god in the morning and at the time of sleeping at night to get positive energy and remain healthy. The school has good teachers with excellent teaching capabilities and they teach small children’s different activities like yoga, dancing, storytelling, fun activities and games. Vedant international preschool also helps children’s in adopting good manners. They also have a ‘play at home‘ program where children are encouraged  to play different games. Parents have Appreciated the efforts and gave comments like ‘ Well done mam really it’s very nice video Devraj was following you while watching your video he is very happy thanku so much mam for uploading videos really kids need this please do it more n more thank u so much again’ , ‘ Very much motivational video for kids… Do post such more videos .. To keep our children energetic and connected with their second home. i. e vedant’ on Social media.